
世界兒童英文學習網站公民文化中心世界公民文化中心 – 2016兒童英語教學年3月15日 上午10:55

2. The bill must be paid in full by the last day of the month. (付清)



10. Notebook PC demand is tracking in line with historical trends. (與….一致)

7. I will pass this to 高中英語聽力測驗考場our engineer to proceed with the application. (繼續進行)



3. The specification says the system can comply with FCC regulations. (符合…法規)

4. The process may be time-c線上英文學習平台onsuming but it is indispensable. (費時的)

5. Our company is one of the world’s best-kn學英文方法own IC vendors. (世界知名的)

6.Th英文家教收費ese safety devices are to ensure computers against user’s misuse.(確保無誤)


8. Instead of one process, we ended up with a goal to get to three processes…高雄英美補習班.. (結果以…)

9. The bottom line: Market share and pricing seem to be the main issues.(市佔率)

1. Roger that. (收到了=I understand/ I hear you)


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